Saturday, December 17, 2016

Never Have Trouble Finding a Group Again

This is loosely directed at necromancers, but most of it will be useful to any class. Adjust accordingly! Soloing all the time can be tedious, and sometimes we just want to relax and hop in a group.

Every Class is Useful

EverQuest is far easier than it has ever been to get a group started. With mercenaries, and the somewhat newer change to allow melee classes to fight while a pet tanks, there is a use for ANY class. You probably don't want 6 warriors, but at the same time, its not unheard of to take on a second one, just to get the benefit of his wizard mercenary. The point to take home here is that you do not need a perfect setup to start a group.

Build a Personal Network

Odds are, you've seen someone shout LFG and asked them right away, only to get the reply that they have already been taken. I have been on both ends of this, it is usually a result of them having history with a group. It can be as simple as having grouped with them the day before and done a good job. It can also be the extra push to convince a group to drop a merc and let you join, even if the merc is a better fit or higher damage.

To build a network of friends, you don't need to do anything special. You just need to be around more people. You also need to provide value to the person you want to be around. Even having fun is valuable, so don't get too focused on just being the "best". It sure does help if you greatly increase their kill speed though. Basically, if you are pleasant to be around, you are doing well. Character skill comes secondary usually, but is still a factor. Asking people for help to get better will show them you care as well, but talk strategy, not asking for help getting better gear. In short, if you feel like extra work to be around, people will avoid you.

Take the Lead, Start a Group

The best way to add value to other people's game experience, is to be a leader. This is a surefire way to build a network. I've seen 3 people in general chat say LFG at the same time, and be a perfect fit for making a good group. A few minutes later, all three are still Looking For Group. Why is this? Because nobody wanted to take the lead and put it together.

Remember, we already said before how it only takes two people, of almost any class, to start a group. A necromancer should never have this problem, because our pet and a merc healer is the foundation for a basic group already. It may not be ideal for hunting high end, but it will get you into content instead of sitting in the guild hall. Pets are capable of named hunting, but they need to be taken care of a little closer than normal.

So if you see even one other LFG, grab them, and start something. Do this for even just a few days, and you will see, when people log in, they will ask you if you are running anything today. Leading a group isn't hard, you aren't their boss. The only real commanding you have to do is "meet me at X camp" and start pulling.

You should never have the problem of being without a group, if you put in just a little effort. It pays back with interest in the long run when people actively seek you out as a contributing member.

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